Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chapter 9

"I-I can explain. I was just buying Pepsi when suddenly he just pops out of nowhere. He's always like that. Now, how about you lower down that baseball bat and we'll talk this out."

Kaori tried acting as composed as she could, but inside she's panicking like a baby rabbit getting chased by a stray dog. It was HORRIBLE.

"Oi, teme. It's not just what happened a while ago. You've always been with him, and we could practically see you trying REALLY hard to get his attention. Don't ever think that you could get away with him in front of us!" the other girls started to make noises, saying something about Kaori stealing Takashi and all.

All of them looked sharply at Kaori.

"President, you can come out now. How should we deal with her?" one of the girls shouted at a dark corner.

A shadow appeared from the darkness, after bit by bit, it revealed to be someone that Kaori knows very much of.

"...!!" Kaori's expression changed. Her feelings changed from being panicked to the bone to utter shock.


"Hey, Takashi, where're you going? You still got work to do!" Izuma spoke to Takashi.

"I'll be back. I have bad feeling..." he said his thoughts out loud.

"Huhh? Bad feeling? About what? WAIT! COME BACK HERE!"

Takashi dashed through the hallways as fast as he could. He knew something wasn't right at that moment. Something...involved someone that he really cares about.

Kaori's voice...and Mei's too...I better hurry...


"...MEI-SAN?! You're the President of the fanclub??" her mouth then gapped.

"Hai, Kubayashi-san. I'm sorry for doing this. It's just that, we all have a common interest: We love Takashi-kun. And you're actions proved to be a burden for us. You're getting TOO close with Takashi-kun, and it seemed like you're ignoring our warning back then." Mei revealed her true nature to Kaori.

" all this time, you're pretending to be quiet and lonely in front of others, when in're a very CRUEL person inside." Kaori replied, ignoring the glares of the girls surrounding her.

"Correct, Kubayashi-san. Only this club knew about my other side. I've made you my nemesis for a long time. You're always with him. Everybody knows that you LIKE Takashi-kun."

"W-What?! Just because we're close, that doesn't mean that-" Kaori's were cut short. One of the girls when into rage and slapped her.

"Enough! President, let's just beat her!" others shouted. Mei-san nodded of approval.


Before they even get the chance to touch Kaori, a mysterious person suddenly came and covered Kaori from the hoards of angry fangirls.

"H-Hey! Move it! Who are you?!" the girl with the baseball bat said angrily.

Ta-Takashi! Baka! What are doing here?!

"*Turns back* Do you really want to hit her that bad, Sizuka-san?"

"....!! Takasahi-kun!!" all of them said instantaneously. "I-I'm sorry!! It-it was the President's idea to kidnap Kubayashi-san here!" Sizuka stuttered.

"...Well, President. Say something...Mei-san." Takashi moved his eyes to Mei's.

"I-I'm a victim here, Ta-Takashi-kun! I'm not even involved in this-" One hand landed squarely on Mei's face. Mei fell down, the blow proved too much for her to bear.

"Mei, that's enough. I'm going home. Just leave me alone." Kaori lowered her head. Then, she went to the school gate and grabbed her bag, proceeding to go home.

"H-Hey, Kaori! I need to talk to you!" Takashi yelled at her.

Ignore...ignore...ignore...Just ignore him...What time is it now...5 pm?!? I'll think go to the riverbank instead...I need to cool off...

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